By Admin | 27 January 2022

All you need to know when your baby is in the teething period

Babies grow fast then we can imagine. It is just a matter of time till they are in the teething period. This is one of the difficult moments that parenthood is put to the test. Your baby suddenly tends to munch on anything. If you are breastfeeding you can feel how they are squeezing in (ouch!). You expect a lot from babies during this period. Nonetheless, if you are first-time parents, this shouldn't be the time to go cold feet. It is but a necessary process for your little one. It is a phase of growth and you need to be fully present and aware of it.

Rather than feeling helpless, this is the time to dig as much information about this phase. It will help you know the dos and don'ts. You will understand if your baby will love the Vibrating Teether or not. First, let's understand what to expect during teething and what should probably be done to address the issue.

What time does teething begin?

Every baby is unique and you will usually get different time frames of when they start teething. Some start as early as three months. Averagely teething is expected in six or seven month's old babies. The two bottom teeth will be the first to announce their arrival . During this period expect the following from your child:
Change in gum appearance: yes when that tooth wants to show its appearance the gums will be ready. Therefore expect your child to have a kind of blue or gray colored gums in that specific area. Don't get anxious about it. This is a common occurrence during teething. If you notice something else outside the ordinary, you can always check with the pediatrician.
Gum pain: it is normal that when we experience teething usually some sort of pain is associated with it. Therefore expect your baby will feel so. This may lead to them being fussy and irritable. Remember they don't clearly understand what's happening so expect some sort of crying and screaming. This is especially during sleeping time. You may find it hard to place your baby to sleep while they are teething.
Increase chewing: as mentioned earlier, you will find your baby almost chewing anything. You know from your phone, their clothes, and anything within their hold. This is a good sign to indicate teething. You can determine this with your clean fingers or a Silicone Teether . You will find them holding on to such.
Drooling: you will need those baby towels because of the increased drool during this time. Of course, your baby drools from time to time, however, during teething, this will just be over the top. They can even get wet out of their drool ! That is also a good symptom of teething.

Nonetheless, some parents have given more symptoms like fever and diarrhea. Pediatricians refute those as symptoms of teething. If your baby experiences such signs during teething then it is probably coincidental. You may need to look for further medical consultation as it can be an infection .

What can you do during teething?

Well since you may have noticed those symptoms you can do the following:
  • Introduce your baby to teethers such as Vibrating Teethers. These are not only going to grab the attention of your kid but also soothe the pain. You can chill the teether a little bit to help numb the pain. Beware not to freeze the teether as it may affect your baby's gums.
  • You can do some hand massage on your baby's face. This will help in relaxing the muscles around the mouth area as well as relieving pain.
  • Give your kid some bananas; it is also a good munching tool.
  • Don't forget to give your baby a balanced diet to keep them healthy.

In choosing teethers, be careful to choose ones that don't pose any threat to your baby's health. Use a food-grade silicone teether for your baby.

Keep hygiene for both the teether and your baby. Remember that your baby will be chewing on almost anything. It is so easy for them to pick up germs and bacteria.

Teething is a process that will come and go. It is a sure sign that your little smooch buddy is growing up. Feel the moment by knowing what to do. That's why we have amazing silicone and vibrating teethers to help in this growth process. Check them out at

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